What I’ve Been Doing For the Last Year
Just over a year ago I changed jobs at Amazon: after nearly four years in Email Platform (as it was known when I left), I transferred to the Kindle Content Store team on April 5, 2010.
I was the sixth member of Kindle Content Store (KiCS, pronounced "kicks") at that time. This nascent team had spun off from a larger group two months earlier. Since then, KiCS has split again — into eight teams — to handle all the products and services that six people owned a year ago. I'm now on a team that owns the shopping experiences on the web-based Kindle Store and on the store built into Kindle devices themselves.
In the last year, we've launched three new devices: the newest Kindle DX, the newest Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi,
and the first Wi-Fi Kindle.
We launched the UK Kindle Store, selling content and hardware to UK customers in pounds sterling. We launched Kindle content gifting,
the first gift system by a major e-book seller. We launched Audible content sales for Kindle devices with Wi-Fi. We hired at a pace I've never seen anywhere at Amazon to grow in a market that, according to publishers, tripled in size in the past year.
So, yeah, I've been busy.
The Kindle Content Store Shopping Experience Team (KiCSSET, pronounced "kick-set") is hiring, as is just about everyone else in my building. Send your resumes my way. Get in quickly before we split again.